I had the honour of seeing the wildlife on the Isle of May with my friends. I think that the last time that I saw a Puffin was at my history class school trip to Shetland which was a very long time ago! I had forgotten what beautiful creatures Puffins are and how small they are. We were really lucky to be able to see 2 rescued Pufflings up close as SNH set them free. I proved I can run as I scampered from dive bombing Terns protecting their chicks! We saw a few grey seals bobbing about in the water but none up close. The baby gulls were so fluffy that I just wanted to give them all a cuddle. I suspect their parents wouldn’t have approved! 😂 I sat on the rocks for ages watching the Shags regurgitate food for their babies and just absorbing all the birds flying around and the rabbits hopping about with their babies. What a fantastic way to spend the day. It was just what I needed to clear my head of noise and nonsense. Needless to say, I have many ideas for my art work now and was delighted to capture such a good image of a Puffin. Oh - if you are looking for somewhere to eat go to the East Pier Smokehouse at St Monans. The food is fabulous - so fresh and really delicious.